War in Christmas Village Game Rules
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Oct 09, 2020 at 06:39:41 PM
Hello everyone,
Here are the tabletop game rules for the War in Christmas Village miniatures, per request from folks at conventions, online, and via our Kickstarters.
With the extra money raised during the last Kickstarter I decided to have extra minis added to the sets, instead of hiring a professional designer to revamp the rules. I couldn’t do both. The Gingerbread Gang, Workshop Elves, and Snow Goonz are the main soldiers in the game, and I wanted to provide more minis in each set to bring a better value to your pledge reward.
The downloads are free at DrivethruRPG.com and the downloads include paper minis, illustrated by a local artist Corey Fields in Lexington, KY. This also allows anyone to play the game free :)
The rules are mercurial, and I’ll be tweaking them as I get more feedback from players. I’ll also be adding more stats for characters, new paper minis, and news special action ability cards for the new characters.
For now the rules are a working cohesive game based on a simple 2d6 system and playing one time use special action ability cards. Set up those Christmas Village displays, game on, and Enjoy!
Thank you :)
War in Christmas Tabletop Gaming Rules:
The Miniatures Have Arrived :)
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Oct 02, 2020 at 07:26:12 PM
Happy October!
Good news everyone, the minis have arrived stateside and are almost at FunAgain logistics; the folks who will be handling fulfillment this year. I’m leaving this task for the professionals to wrangle this year, as our last pledge reward fulfillment did not go so well.
I have once again chosen Backerkit to compile all of the shipping data and send out surveys, so please check your email and return your surveys ASAP. For the digital backers, once I have your email, I can send links for the 3D files.
The Gingerbread Gang and Snow Goonz minis are also arriving at the Amazon warehouses in the USA, and will be available soon.
Thank you for making this project happen, and please fill out your survey :)
Minis are on their way!
over 4 years ago
– Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 04:53:29 PM
Hello everyone. The pledge rewards are manufactured, packaged, boxed for shipment, and on their way stateside via an actual “slow boat from China”.
As I mentioned in the previous update, FunAgain will be handling fulfillment this time, as lessons were learned from the last Kickstarter and fulfillment is a task better left to professionals.
The shipment can take an estimated 35-40 days to arrive, which more than likely will be about 50 days. I was hoping to have pledge rewards shipped out by Halloween, but it may be a few weeks after.
The last two weeks were full of logistical delays including the final payment bank wire transfers, shipping logistics, and a shipping logistics redo. I’m not sure exactly why that happens other than it is what it is, and these last minute two to three week delays, once the project is manufactured, seems to happen with each of the three projects I’ve done thus far. I think it’s just part of the process.
Thank you for supporting The Gingerbread Gang Kickstarter :)
Please stay safe out there, and have a good one.
Production Update, and Shipping Logistics, Fufillment
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Aug 04, 2020 at 04:18:05 PM
Hello guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
Good news! Production of the minis has finished, and I’m finalizing shipping logistics now. The minis will then be headed stateside on the proverbial slow boat from China to Indianapolis for fulfillment.
I learned my lesson regarding Kickstarter fulfillment, and that is a task best left to other people. So, I have partnered up with FunAgain in regards to the fulfillment of this Kickstarter. If all goes well, the pledge rewards should be sent out by the end of October :)
I’ll finish setting up the Backerkit pledge manager and get those surveys sent out soon.
Stay safe out there :)
The Prototypes Have Arrived!
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 08:56:07 PM
Hello Everyone,
The prototypes of the minis have arrived, and I made an unboxing YouTube to share!
The video goes live in the wee hours (EST) of this morning on the War in Christmas Village YouTube channel, also known as The Terrain Wizard. Please have a look and be sure to subscribe to the channel :)
I have filled out information for Backerkit and will send surveys out as soon as they are approved.
Stay safe :)